Community Partner Profile
Sarah Tolson Kim
In our second Partner profile, RREF is thrilled to introduce you to Sarah Tolson Kim, a Rancho Mom, Women’s Wealth Advisor and Founder of Girls Just Gotta Have Funds. Sarah and her husband Chauncey's daughter, Poppy, joined Rancho in TK this year and her son, Parker, will join Rancho in the near future. As a Green Valley Elementary alum, Sarah is a passionate supporter of SRVUSD education and excited to watch her children grow and thrive at Rancho.
About Sarah
Q: How long have you lived in the San Ramon Valley area? How long have you had your business in the area?
A: I’ve been here my whole life! I grew up in Danville and joined my family’s financial planning practice in 2006. I created Girls Just Gotta Have Funds as a way to make talking about money less intimidating and more fun!
Q: What is something interesting about your company or team that our families and students might not know? While we are called Girls Just Gotta Have Funds, about 40% of our clients are actually men. We are part of MassMutual Financial Group and many of our clients have been with us for over 30 years. Our focus has always been on families and we work with multiple generations, from retirement strategies for grandparents to starting college savings plans for kids. We have offices in Blackhawk Plaza and Walnut Creek.
Q: What do you remember loving about being in elementary school?
A: I went to Green Valley and loved everything about it. I met some of my best friends there, and my 5 best friends are still in my life today. I think my favorite memories are from the school Halloween parades. My friend and I went as California Raisins one year and played “We Heard It Through the Grapevine” while we walked around the blacktop in 4th grade.
Connection to Rancho
Q: How did you decide to get involved with Rancho Romero? (in addition to being a parent at Rancho)
A: I love living in Alamo and being a part of the community. My husband, Chauncey, and I are members at Round Hill Country Club and many of the members told us how wonderful their experiences had been at Rancho Romero. When my daughter Poppy started TK I knew I wanted to support the school any way I could to make sure that all of the programs she loves can continue, especially Art and Music!
Q: What are some memorable moments you’ve had while supporting Rancho?
A: I did the Harvest of the Month club for Ms. Manuel’s TK class and taught the kids all about apples. I also helped to get the classroom decorated for the Halloween party which was a great way to get to know some of the other parents.
Q: Why is Rancho so special to you?
A: Rancho will be the first school that my kids, Poppy and Parker, will remember and it will be the foundation of their education. I want to do my part to make that experience as enriching as possible. I love the spirit of Rancho and how much the teachers and staff care about our kids.
Q: If you could spend a day in the classroom with the students, what activity would you love to do with them?
A: My daughter is obsessed with rainbows so I would do an art activity where we paint a huge rainbow that could be hung up on the classroom ceiling, complete with big fluffy white cotton ball clouds on each end.
Contributions to Rancho
Q: What do you hope to achieve through your support of Rancho?
A: I want to be an active participant in my kids' education, I feel that while the lessons start in the classroom, they need to continue at home.
Q: Why do you think it’s important to support local education, especially at the elementary level?
A: I had a wonderful educational experience through SRVUSD and want the same for my children. Giving back to Rancho is one way I can contribute to our community and stay involved in my children’s education.