Community Partner Profile
Andrea Scott
RREF is excited to share a new feature in our sponsorship opportunities this year. We’ll share a short profile on our Partner sponsors highlighting their dedication and connections to Rancho. We begin with Andrea Scott, a local real estate agent and longtime supporter of our school. To date, Andrea has donated $55,000 and counting to support Rancho and in this Q&A we learn why Rancho is so special to her.
About Andrea
Q: How long have you lived in the San Ramon Valley area? How long have you had your business in the area?
A: I moved to Alamo from the DC area in 2000—making the math easy! I’ve been here for 25 years, and it truly feels like home. I’ve been a Realtor in the area for 21 years.
Q: What is something interesting about your company or team that our families and students might not know?
A: I strive to be an open book. Many of you know me as a devoted horse mom, but I’m also a proud stepmom to grown kids. I find joy in yoga, hiking, and walking on the Iron Horse Trail. At heart, I cherish a simple, fulfilling life.
Q: What do you remember loving about being in elementary school?
A: The incredible teachers! I didn’t fully appreciate what a gift they were until much later in life. I even tried to reach out to thank many of them, though tracking them down wasn’t easy—many were single women who changed their names when they married, and by now, they’d be well into their 80s!
Connection to Rancho
Q: How did you decide to get involved with Rancho Romero?
A: It all started with an organization called Save California Schools, which encouraged realtors and lenders to donate a portion of sales to local schools. However, because the funds were pooled and distributed widely, I felt I could make a more meaningful impact by partnering with a single school. Rancho was an obvious choice since I live in the area. Once I got involved, I saw firsthand how exceptional Rancho’s teachers, staff, and parents are.
Q: What are some memorable moments you’ve had while supporting Rancho (either directly with the staff, students or within the community)?
A: Getting to know the amazing Gala committee members has been a highlight, and working with Laura Berchdorf was wonderful. I was even invited to an assembly—what fun! As a stepmom, I’ve never had the experience of attending school events like that, and being surrounded by so many little ones was a delight. It made me wonder—was I ever that small? It was cuteness overload!
Q: Why is Rancho so special to you?
A: The dedication of this community is extraordinary. Teachers, staff, and parents all care so deeply, and it shows. I was involved with a school in DC, and while the principal was passionate, it often felt like pushing a rope—no one else showed up to meetings or took action. At Rancho, it’s different. People step up, and the impact is real.
Q: If you could spend a day in the classroom with the students, what activity would you love to do with them?
A: I’d love to join in on a music or art activity and see the kids express themselves in creative ways—that’s what spoke to me most when I was their age. But honestly, a field trip (do they still do those?) would be amazing!
Contributions to Rancho
Q: What do you hope to achieve through your support of Rancho?
A: I’m here to support Rancho’s goals, whatever they may be. I’ve been told my contributions have helped fund continuing education for teachers, increase the number of assistant teachers, preserve arts programs, and lower class sizes—all of which make me incredibly happy. Whatever the school is focused on this year, I’m all in.
Q: Why do you think it’s important to support local education, especially at the elementary level?
A: Budget cuts to education have been severe, and today’s kids don’t have access to many of the opportunities I enjoyed—especially in the arts and field trips (you may notice a pattern in what I loved about school!). If I can help bridge that gap, I absolutely will.