Donate to help us raise the funds for the 2024-25 school year.
Join us in our Annual Giving campaign, and pledge funds to provide our school with the extra support it needs for maintaining critical programs that encourage excellence in both our school and community.
Every dollar counts.
2023-2024 RREF Budget Allocations ($715K)​​
Help us continue to make Rancho Romero the wonderful school it is for its 470+ students, faculty, education, and community.
2024-25 Annual Giving
$316,000 has been raised for the
2024-25 school year. 54% of our annual goal
Every year, parents give to the Rancho Romero Education Fund Annual fund at the beginning of the school year to close the gap between public funding from SRVUSD and the funding needed to make Rancho Romero thrive. State and Federal funding from SRVUSD isn’t sufficient to adequately fund the full, engaging and well-rounded curriculum that parents want and all our students deserve. Parcel taxes go a long way, but a gap remains. RREF fundraising is how we as parents can close that gap.​
Don't wait. Make your annual donation today!
Per Student Funding Comparison
(Fed, State, Taxes)
The suggested give per family is $1,600 per child for the 2024-2025 school year.
This year we are increasing our beginning of the year monetary ask of each family to:
Expand in-classroom support
for teachers thru increased staffing and intervention programs at the start of the school year.
Match student spending levels of neighboring districts
RREF is committed to spending a minimum of $1,600/student to be on par with neighboring Lafayette and other Bay area school districts.
Consolidate fundraising events
increasing opportunities for more donors to contribute to annual fundraising while lessening our reliance of our gala event.
Meet the growing student population
increase funding to sustain support year-over-year and avoid future program cuts.