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About Rancho Romero Education Fund

We are a community-driven fundraising organization that supplements state funding for programs that inspire learning, enrich teaching, and promote academic excellence at Rancho Romero Elementary School. 

Since RREF was founded, it has provided a way for parents, caregivers, and our community to invest in superior public education for our students. Initially, RREF enriched existing programs in science, art, and music. This need, which began with just a few thousand dollars, has grown into over a million dollars in commitments that have helped allow smaller group learning in the classrooms with paraprofessional support, rigorous academics, and a breadth of educational experiences from transitional kindergarten through 5th grade. RREF funds positions and programs on campus whose positions the state of California does not fund or require but are considered necessary for quality education by parents, caregivers, and educators.

RREF is a California non-profit, public benefit corporation. It is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The federal tax ID number for the foundation (EIN) is 91-1796297. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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Areas of RREF Investments

Breakdown of RREF Investments Across Rancho Romero Elementary School. 

The Importance of RREF and Why We Exist

We close the gap in funding to ensure our students can thrive. 

Before Proposition 13, California schools were well funded by local property taxes. However, after the passage of Proposition 13 in 1978, school budgets were significantly reduced, with cuts amounting to approximately 60%. In response, San Ramon Valley Ed Fund and RREF were established in 1980 to ensure that every student receives a robust and well-rounded education.
Today, California ranks 33rd in the nation for per-student funding, necessitating that a significant portion of school budgets be supplemented through local funding. RREF plays a crucial role in bridging this funding gap, providing essential support to ensuring Rancho Romero Elementary School has access to exceptional education for our students. 

Meet the RREF Team

The Rancho Romero Ed Fund is governed by a board of trustees, most of whom are parents of Rancho Romero Elementary students. Our success depends on a multitude of hard-working volunteers, a small, dedicated staff and a generous community. Each year, we fundraise through our annual campaign, several events, and sponsorship programs. Our goal is to bring the entire community together in support of local public schools.

Leadership Team


Afterschool Enrichment  |  Kristina Zell & Brooke Eubanks 

Annual Giving  |  Stephanie Cranmer

Auditor  |  Brandon Zell

Corporate Matching  |  Kimberlee Fugere
Fun Run  |  
Bridget Monahan &  Ashley Nicol

Members at Large  |  Cate Morin


Currently seeking volunteers for the following 2024-2025 roles:

Auction Chair
Auction Liaison
Sponsored Events

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